Student-Athlete Testimonial: Lillee Wakefield

Deanna Kennedy


Lillee is thrilled to share her experience with the UniSA Sport Athlete Development Program, as it has been nothing short of transformative for her as an athlete and a university student. 

Lillee’s decision to participate in this program was driven by her desire to become stronger and fitter in the gym, specifically to improve my performance in both judo and athletics. I recognized the potential benefits it could bring to my athletic journey. 

I initially discovered the Athlete Development program through social media. It piqued my interest, and upon further exploration, I realized it was the perfect fit for my goals. 

Lillee highlights, “Participation in the program has had a significant impact on my sporting performance. It has notably improved my balance and strength, qualities that are essential in my sports endeavours. This newfound physical prowess has translated directly into enhanced performance on the field. 

One of the most valuable aspects of the UniSA Sport Athlete Development program has been the insights it provided into strength and conditioning practices. She has learned the correct gym techniques, which have not only made her more effective in her workouts but also reduced the risk of injury. 

Access to allied health services, such as physiotherapy, podiatry, and exercise physiology, has been a game-changer. These services helped me navigate and address injuries effectively, ensuring I stayed on the right path toward achieving my sporting goals. 

Participation in a UniSA Sport program has positively impacted Lillee’s overall health and well-being at university and significantly enhanced her university experience. She says, “It has not only made me feel more connected to the university but has also fostered a sense of community among fellow athletes who share similar goals and passions. 

Lillee wholeheartedly recommends the UniSA Sport Development program to prospective UniSA students. It's not only effective in improving your physical fitness and athletic performance but also enriches your overall university experience. My advice to them would be to embrace the program with enthusiasm, as it offers a fun and rewarding journey of self-improvement. 

In conclusion, Lillee says “my journey with the UniSA Sport Athlete Development Program has been a remarkable one. It has empowered me to become a stronger athlete while fostering a sense of belonging and community within the university. It's a program that I wholeheartedly endorse for any aspiring elite athlete at UniSA. 

Lillee has been accepted for a fourth year into the UniSA Sport Athlete Development Program, whilst studying a Master of Teaching. She has also represented UniSA At the UniSport Nationals for both Judo and Athletics, medalling at both events.

Athletes with a disability who are on the UniSA Elite Athlete and Performer register are encouraged to apply to be part of this program. 


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