Beginners Course EOI

This is our registration form for the 2024 Kendo Beginners Course. If you are interested in joining the Beginners Course, please fill in you full name and email.

We will be having Come and Try sessions in conjunction with Adelaide Uni Kendo Club.

The UniSA sessions are on the 25th of February and the 3rd of March at Pridham Hall from 12:30pm.

The Adelaide Uni sessions are on the 4th and 6th of March at Adeliade Uni Exercise Studio across from Barr Smith Lawns from 6:30pm.

Once more information is released, we will email you will all the details and instructions for the course with the email address you have provided. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you and teaching you about Kendo!

Please enter your full name here.

Please enter the email address you want us to send the beginners course information.


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