VC Cup 2023 Event 2: Table Tennis

Natalie Chow


A total of seven teams representing six units from across UniSA participated in the table tennis event at Pridham Hall on Friday 21 July, in pursuit of the highly coveted Vice Chancellor Cup trophy.

UniSA Clinical & Health Science (CHS) won first place with their skillful serving, high-speed exchanges and intense battles at the table captivating and entertaining staff and students alike.

UniSA Information Strategy and Technical Services (ISTS) claimed second place and UniSA Allied Health & Human Performance (ALH) finished third.

With the Strava Running in April and the table tennis tournament completed, the CHS unit is now sitting pretty at the top of the rankings. Only two more events remain for the year and participating units will have to put their best players forward for a chance to win the Cup. 

The next scheduled event: Badminton will be on Friday 15 September at Pridham Hall, City West campus. Want to play? Register with your unit’s team manager today.


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