Magill Pool

UniSA Magill campus - E Building (off Bundey Street) | 8302 4570 |

Magill Pool

Magill Pool will remain CLOSED

The Magill Pool will be remaining closed indefinitely. We apologise for the inconvenience this might cause to you and other members of the public and our community. 

In the meantime, we suggest that you consider using another pool. There are a range of pools nearby, or UniSA has a pool in Pridham Hall at our City West Campus. 

If you have any questions, please email


Frequently Asked Questions

Does UniSA have another pool I can use?
Yes, UniSA has a pool at Pridham Hall on City West campus that will remain open to UniSA students, staff and general public. More information about the Pridham Hall pool can be found on our website here.

What are the closest pools to Magill that are open?
The closest outdoor pools to Magill that are open this summer are Norwood Swimming Centre and Payneham Memorial Swimming Centre . The ARC Campbelltown also has an indoor lap swimming pool open all year round.

Will Magill gym and court remain open?
Yes, Magill gym and court will continue to remain open as normal, more information about the Magill gym and court can be found on our website here.

I have a gym & pool membership with UniSA Sport, what facilities can I now access?
Full Access membership continues to give you access to Pridham Hall (City West) Pool, Gym and Group Fitness Classes, plus access to City East Gym, Magill Gym and Mawson Lakes Gym.
Aquatic membership will now give you access to Pridham Hall (City West) Pool including Aqua Aerobic classes.


As a Team UniSA member you'll benefit from discounted memberships, get access to 25+ UniSA Sport clubs, have the chance to represent UniSA at intervarsity or community sporting events, and more!